
The Space

Our vendor room will be in a ~183,000 sq foot Exhibit Hall with over 325 10’x10′ booths from over 150 vendors. They offer a variety of products catering to our anime fans and attendees with a wide variety of interests.

Dealer Room & Vendor Hall Information

For larger vendors of anime and fan culture merchandise we offer dealer room space within our convention. We primarily select vendors who offer retail products or have a retail setup. We are not allowing certain items/vendors in the vendor room, including backdrop/green screen photographers, food/drink vendors, artists with fan art in their portfolios, live animals, CBD/hemp, pipes, tattoos, or henna artists.
San Japan Vendor Room

Merch Vendors

Merch vendors must get on the waitlist to get into the San Japan Dealer Room. We screen every waitlist entry that applies to research that the vendor will be a good fit for our convention.


The current price of our regular vendor booths starts at $850 and goes up to 10′ foot x 10′ foot space, which includes 1 8′ Table and 2 Chairs. Pipe and drape are not included.

The $850 booth rates are offered to non-corporate retail vendors only. If you are a corporate company looking to sell or promote services, please check out our Sponsorship page.

Food Vendors

Our contract with the city of San Antonio prohibits outside food and beverage vendors, including pre-packaged snacks or candy of any type, from operating at the HBG Convention Center, our permanent host location.

The RK Group, the venue’s exclusive caterer, does not allow outside vendors to sell food or drinks within the convention center. No exceptions can be made.

2024 Vendors

Business nameWebsiteBooths
Kawa EntertainmentWebsite3307, 3308, 3309, 3310, 3311
Flashback Video GamesWebsite3303, 3304
Milk Tea MerchWebsite3301, 3302
Rurouni FoodieWebsite3212, 3213, 3312, 3313
You Found It Games and CollectiblesWebsite3211
Robo RokuWebsite3210
Toy Dojo, LLCWebsite3207, 3208, 3209
Toynk ToysWebsite3205, 3206, 3305, 3306
Springer Entertainment Inc.Website3204
Relentless CollectablesWebsite3203
Pokemart collectiblesWebsite3200, 3201, 3202
Cravencrow CostumingWebsite3113
Dusty Book ShelfWebsite3112
SuperMegaStoreWebsite3108, 3109
John’s Retro Video GamesWebsite3103
Ravenshire HobbyWebsite3100, 3101, 3102
Black Dog EnterprisesWebsite3011, 3012
Pom Pom Tina LLCWebsite3009, 3010
Reborn AnimeWebsite3007
Crimson DawnWebsite3006, 3104, 3105, 3106
Nurdtyme LLCWebsite3002, 3003, 3004, 3005
9 Lives Video GamesWebsite3001
Samurai squidsWebsite3000
Anime KuruttaWebsite2324
BatosWebsite2322, 2323
Goodman GamesWebsite2321
Anime EffectsWebsite2318, 2319, 2320
All Blue Anime Inc.Website2311, 2312, 2313, 2314
Misty Mountain GamingWebsite2307, 2308, 2309
Shrunk 3D Northeast San AntonioWebsite2305, 2306
Kawaii Otaku PlusWebsite2304
Yuui’s Delivery ServiceWebsite2301, 2302
Perfect Fit TCGWebsite2300
X Plus North America Corp.Website2223
WarezGamezWebsite2221, 2222
BowenDragon1Website2219, 2220
Thompson Productions LLCWebsite2218
Under the Sea CollectiblesWebsite2217, 2317
Angry FoxWebsite2215, 2216
Myth AdventuresWebsite2211, 2212
Corset Punk & KiltsWebsite2210, 2310
Otaku PumpWebsite2209
TantrumCollectibles.comWebsite2206, 2207, 2208
STL OcarinaWebsite2204
Anime ArmoryWebsite2203, 2303
Vapure Ventures LLCWebsite2201
Rogues ApparelWebsite2200
The Five Wits WigsWebsite2123, 2124
Planet OtakuWebsite2122
Asylum AnimeWebsite2118, 2119, 2120, 2121
Kokoro AnimeWebsite2116
Pistol PieWebsite2115
ToshikigirlWebsite2113, 2114
Okami CollectiblesWebsite2109
Sushito ClothingWebsite2104
Anime YankiiWebsite2024
Boss MonstaWebsite2023
Game Over VideogamesWebsite2021, 2022
AnimeStuffStore.comWebsite2018, 2019, 2020
Toymatrix.comWebsite2015, 2016, 2017, 2117
Tanuki Toys & CollectiblesWebsite2014
House of Cards and CollectibleWebsite2013
Gamers4GamersWebsite2011, 2012, 2111, 2112
cosplaymoomooWebsite2010, 2110
Janken Collectibles LLCWebsite2009
Retro SaikouWebsite2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2105, 2106, 2107, 2108
Nyx SkiesWebsite2004
Sekai ArtWebsite2003, 2103
The Shumi CompanyWebsite2001, 2002, 2101, 2102
Geek World Games LLCWebsite2000, 2100
Beckett MangaWebsite1915, 1916
In My Parents BasementWebsite1911, 1912, 1913, 1914
Fan ServiceWebsite1908, 1909
Kara’s CandiesWebsite1907
Crazy Loco World LLCWebsite1901, 1902
Senpai SquadWebsite1817, 1917
MTSTARWebsite1814, 1815, 1816
The Anime JutsuWebsite1812, 1813
Kawaii ShopaholicWebsite1811
Kpoppin UsaWebsite1810, 1910
Closet geek llcWebsite1808, 1809
Archangel GamesWebsite1805, 1806, 1905, 1906
Strictly AnimezWebsite1804, 1904
Magic and MonstersWebsite1803, 1903
Losers x LoversWebsite1802
Milk Mocha BearWebsite1800, 1801
BoomslankWebsite1714, 1715
Happy Taco StudioWebsite1712, 1713
Toy MandalaWebsite1708, 1709, 1710
Habiteer WorkshopWebsite1707
Todd’s ToysWebsite1705, 1706
The Stronghold GamesWebsite1701, 1702
M8’s WarudoWebsite1700
Discotek MediaWebsite1617, 1717
koko kumaWebsite1614, 1615, 1616
AKIBA HQWebsite1611, 1612, 1613
toyslogicWebsite1608, 1609, 1610
Legendary CollectiblesWebsite1605, 1606
PeachadeWebsite1604, 1703, 1704
Lotus Eater ApparelWebsite1602
Glitchgear.comWebsite1600, 1601
WoojiWebsite1514, 1515
James Valle (KentaroPJJ)Website1513
168 Dragon Trading IncWebsite1510, 1511, 1512
Anthony Wang ShoesWebsite1508
Kochira KawaiiWebsite1503, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1507
J18 Publishing & Ami AmiWebsite1500, 1501, 1502
Cartoon PassionWebsite1416, 1516
ALL AnimeWebsite1412, 1413, 1414, 1415
Anime HausWebsite1410, 1411, 2213, 2214
collectors universeWebsite1409, 1509
Wicked CostumesWebsite1407, 1408
Sugar BubbasWebsite1406
Cordy’s CornerWebsite1403, 1404
OkAnimeWebsite1400, 1401, 1402
Magic HeartWebsite1314, 1315
BYO LightsaberWebsite1313
Tanpopo HouseWebsite1311, 1312
PeiTrisha WorksWebsite1309
SPIFWebsite1307, 1308
RAM ImportsWebsite1305, 1306
Sprinkle BatWebsite1303
Divine CollectorsWebsite1301, 1302
Anime PopWebsite1216, 1217, 1316, 1317
BosumanWebsite1212, 1213
Silent Weaver ArtsWebsite1211
Hen Da Ne, IncWebsite1210, 1310
BibisamaWebsite1208, 1209
Bandage BrigadeWebsite1207
Gear Gaming StoreWebsite1205, 1206
Uriel Inc.Website1204, 1304
Shinsekai ProjectWebsite1203
HandmadebotaniclabWebsite1200, 1300
White Lightning ProductionsWebsite1115, 1116
TCGDISTRICTWebsite1113, 1114
Night Whisper LolitaWebsite1112
Fun To Craft 4 MeWebsite1109
KABOOM COMICS & COLLECTIBLESWebsite1105, 1106, 1107, 1108
Strawberry MoonWebsite1104
anime palaceWebsite1017, 1117
Frenemy Games StudioWebsite1016
League of VillainsWebsite1014
Import CrateWebsite1012
The Happy CatWebsite1011
Antarctic PressWebsite1010, 1110
I Flip CardsWebsite1008, 1009
Yatta AnimeWebsite1007
Nine TailsWebsite1005, 1006
Babypanda LLCWebsite1004
TeeTurtle & Unstable GamesWebsite1003, 1103
That Store SAWebsite1002
Patch CollectionWebsite1000, 1001, 1100, 1101
Novel HorizonsWebsite

San Japan: Dealer Waiting List

If you've already signed up once on the wait list you do not need to reapply as we have your information. You will be sent an automatic e-mail that we received your information.
Sending in your information multiple times will not get you further up on the wait list.

  • Please list the company you are representing.
  • Where are you located.
  • Link to where you sell your products or have information about your company/group.

    If you have none write in the field http://NONE.
  • Write in what kind of items you sell. Remember that we cater to demographics that are interested in Anime, Gaming, Japanese/Asian, Japanese Clothing Styles, and Cute/Nerdy merchandise in a retail setup. We are not accepting, backdrop / green screen photographers, basic services companies, CBD/Hemp/Pipes, fan artists with a portfolio of copyrighted artwork, live animals, phone accessories, henna artists, or tattoo artists in the vendor room.

    To emphasize, we do not accept Fan Artists. All Fan Artists must apply in our Artist Alley section. We will skip all Fan Artist applications sent in. Original artwork owned by the applicant will be looked at.

  • The RK Group does not allow us to have snacks vendors of any kind including freeze-dried or pre-packaged snacks. You must contact RK Group on your own accord for an exception.

    Read This Notice

    If this is your first time applying for San Japan you will be required to include photos of their setup and/or inventory. This is necessary to verify that products are within our guidelines and have legitimate products for sale. If you do not include photos and/or links to an online storefront to allow us to verify your company then you will not be offered a booth at San Japan at all period. We will not "take your word" as we've had one too many vendors lied their way to get in to turn out to sell bootlegs. We are very strict No-Bootleg Convention with a ZERO TOLERANCE - NO EXCUSES/BS bootleg policy and we will be in strict enforcement.

  • All applications must send over at least one photo for the application.
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, tif, jpeg, webp, Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • If you'd like to send us another picture of your booth setup and/or inventory we will accept it.
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, tif, jpeg, webp, Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • If you'd like to send one more picture of your booth setup and/or inventory we will accept it.
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, tif, jpeg, webp, Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • What is the maximum number of booths would you consider in purchasing based on availability.
    Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.