Nerds Know is the premiere entertainment panel group of South Florida. This collective of talented nerds has extensive knowledge in virtually every field that would...

Initially working in the live-action film industry, Masahiko Otsuka joined the animation industry as assistant director for Studio Ghibli's Pom Poko in 1992. He then...

SakuraShounen is an award-winning cosplayer hailing from Indiana who loves to share their positive energy with everyone in the community. For 10 years, they've been...

ChibiTifa is a cosplayer from Maryland with 20 years of experience in the hobby and a World Cosplay Summit 2021 representative. She's made a vast...

I'm Sakkumi! (They/them) I am an Okinawan American cosplayer, costume maker, content creator, and artist. I have been cosplaying since 2010 and have traveled to...

Sara Spookystitch is a Minnesota based professional costume technician who has been cosplaying for 19 years and running educational panels for over a decade. She is passionate...