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Jin (behindinfinity)


Jin (behindinfinity) is a cosplayer and crafter with over ten years of experience; a journey that started simply with blogging on deviantART. An unrelenting love for costumes developed into professional costuming work, including creating cosplays in partnership with top gaming companies such as Square Enix and Riot Games, and working on puppets and costume pieces for the first international tour of the Lion King musical in 2018.

Jin’s years of personal cosplay insights and industry experience have led to her to being a highlight guest, panelist, and competition judge at conventions around Asia, Australia, Europe, and the US. Determined to keep learning, she also still enjoys occasionally participating as a competitive cosplayer. Jin was part of the duo that won the Brother Special Award for Costume Making during World Cosplay Summit 2021.

Beyond the accolades, Jin is a constant advocate of treating cosplay as a form of art, and celebrating the simple joys and fond memories that can come from being part of this community. She enjoys using her online presence to share her knowledge and experiences, and is grateful for opportunities to that in person as well — such as through convention panels, or meaningful conversations when meeting others. She really values being able to interact with people who appreciate what she does, so please feel free to come say hi at her booth, take photos together, and ask her your cosplay-related questions!

  • current autograph policy

    No Guest Table.

  • Autograph Limit
    No Autograph Limit
  • Days attending
    Friday – Signing For All General Attendees, Saturday – Signing For All General Attendees, Sunday – VIP & General Appearance
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